The moment I met Anna Byun, all I could focus on was her engagement ring. And honestly, I’m not the only one - her ring is the talk of the office. Anna transferred to Denver from the Honolulu office a couple years ago, and her ring is legendary… 4 carats… platinum setting… and did I mention 4 carats?! Soon after I met her, I told her how beautiful her ring is. This was obviously something she was used to hearing, because she promptly took it off and asked me if I wanted to try it on. Duh. Of course I did!
Yesterday was the Ernst & Young golf day and guess who my partner was? Anna! At the happy hour afterwards, I told her how ever since she let me put it on, I’d had dreams about that ring…. Without another word, she took off the ring and passed it to me. I put it back on and threw my camera at Amy saying, “Get a picture of this!!” Even though my entire table (including the office managing partner) was laughing at me, I took that picture and loved every second of it.
Here’s the ring and all its glory: