Friday, September 19, 2008

My Bling

The moment I met Anna Byun, all I could focus on was her engagement ring. And honestly, I’m not the only one - her ring is the talk of the office. Anna transferred to Denver from the Honolulu office a couple years ago, and her ring is legendary… 4 carats… platinum setting… and did I mention 4 carats?! Soon after I met her, I told her how beautiful her ring is. This was obviously something she was used to hearing, because she promptly took it off and asked me if I wanted to try it on. Duh. Of course I did!

Yesterday was the Ernst & Young golf day and guess who my partner was? Anna! At the happy hour afterwards, I told her how ever since she let me put it on, I’d had dreams about that ring…. Without another word, she took off the ring and passed it to me. I put it back on and threw my camera at Amy saying, “Get a picture of this!!” Even though my entire table (including the office managing partner) was laughing at me, I took that picture and loved every second of it.

Here’s the ring and all its glory:

Thursday, September 18, 2008


In continuation of my birthday extravaganza, I went to Seattle with my dad over the weekend of September 6th. The American Academy of Periodontology (pretty exciting group) was having their annual meeting there, so I tagged along for the weekend. His flight from Anchorage got in right after mine, so we met up at the airport and headed downtown. It was great to see him and spend the weekend in a beautiful city. And no rain!!

(*all pictures taken courtesy of the sweet new camera my parents bought me for my birthday!*)

Highlights of the weekend:
Walking around downtown and checking out the Pike Place Market
Hanging out on the water

The Yankees/Mariners Game -- This was actually how I eneded up in Seattle in the first place. When I was visiting Alaska in July, my dad mentioned he was going to the Yankees/Mariners game and didn't know who he would go with. I jokingly said I'd go with him, and was like, "Okay!" The next thing I knew, he'd bought me a plane ticket to Seattle!
It was awesome to see a new park! And of course I had to get the nachos to compare them with Coors Field's nachos.... the verdict... Coors Field wins.

After the game, we had a late night dinner at Cheesecake Factory, which my dad had never been to, but loved. We had burgers and split a piece of cheesecake. Yum!
All in all, an awesome weekend. I hear the AAP meeting is in Hawaii in a couple years... I might have to tag along on that one too. :)

Another Year Older

My 27th birthday was on September 3rd, but I don’t believe in limiting my celebration to one day. In line with this theory, my birthday party was on August 23. (And as you will see in a soon-to-come post, the celebration lasted until September 7th!)

My friends all met me out the night of August 23rd at my favorite bar – Sports Column. I was so happy to see everyone, and we all had a blast!

Here is Amy, Me, Whitney, Khadeeja, Kari, and Lindsay
My roomie Kari and me
Jana & Cody

Olivia and Me
Me and Rob
Amy, Terra, Jana, and Me