I was enduring a cold January day in Detroit when I realized I needed a beach vacation. All of a sudden it occurred to me that Kirstine was going to get married... and needed a beach bachelorette weekend! I immediately emailed her to see if she'd be interested and found out she already had the same idea. And thus... Kirstine's Bachelorette Beach Weekend was born!!!
It was a long wait until July, but somehow the day finally came. I said good-bye to the hazy mountains...
... and HELLO to San Antonio!
Using her powers of persuasion, Jen convinced me to fly in on Wednesday night so that we'd have all day Thursday to hang out before heading to the beach for the weekend. I'm an easy sell (especially when Tex Mex is one of the selling points), so I was in!

I didn't get in until 10pm, but my first order of business upon arrival was picking up some Taco Cabana. You can see how happy this makes me.
The next morning I got to meet the newest member of Jen's family -- her daughter, Mackenzie. I'm not a baby person... but what a good baby!
After spending some quality time with Mackenzie, we dropped her off with Jen's mom because we had some serious business to attend to -- lingerie shopping for Kirstine's Lingerie Shower the next night. I take gift buying seriously. As you can see.
That night, James (Jen's husband) made an awesome dinner (with a little help from Jen's mom who made some amazing potatoes). Jameson and Mackenzie helped, too.
A few hours later we'd made it to Corpus -- and since we were on vacation we decided to have yet another lunch.....
... including alcohol. We were on vacation, after all.
Jen probably needed a drink after driving my ass around all afternoon.
After eating, we headed to the beach house in Port Aransas....
We got to the house and were really happy with how cute it was! Shortly after, some of the other guests started arriving. Rechal was one of the first ones to make it, and she got straight to decorating.
By 7:00, everyone had arrived, and since Jen and I had bought all the groceries for the weekend, we took the lead in cooking dinner.
We didn't realize the shrimp we bought wasn't already cooked....
... but after a quick call to Jen's mom, we got it figured out.

After dinner, we enjoyed some dessert before the Lingerie Shower.

... and then there was me.... who took that bag of cookies DOWN.

After our dessert, we kicked off Kirstine's shower, which was hosted by her sister, Brittany.

I hope she liked what I picked out....

A pretty Bride robe...

... and no Lingerie shower is complete until the bride opens up some granny panties.

After presents, we played The Price is Right. It was basically the same as the game show, except instead of giving away cars, Brittany gave away slightly more risque items. Wouldn't you know us accounting girls DOMINATED the game??
Carolyn correctly priced the panties...
Jen V was the proud winner of a pair of furry handcuffs...

And sure enough, I beat everyone out for the condoms!

(Sorry to my Mom, Dad, and Grandma for this... CLEARLY I'm just a good guesser.)
Melissa was the ultimate pricer when she won not one, but two prizes. Sure the condoms were awesome, but she got what I really wanted.

Obviously, I'm talking about the lip gloss.
Our next Lingerie Shower activity was to decorate pairs of panties for Kirstine.

Considering over half of the participants are accountants, I think we did a pretty good job!
These next ones were mine. I knew I'd be a shoo-in winner if I put that "Taxes Rock" because everyone knows that aside from Joey, Kirstine loves taxes above all else in this world. Although I'd say Legally Blonde and anything purple are also high on her list.
For those who don't know, IRC Section 700 is the tax code section for partnerships. WHAT a bunch of nerds.
For those who have had the pleasure of attending a Codehead Reunion, they know that once I get a little liquored up, I will inevitably put my underwear on over my clothes. WELL, once I got a load of the granny panties we were decorating, I just knew I had to put a pair on.

I knew bringing those leggings to Texas was a good idea!!!

And just as an aside -- I think these pictures are a perfect PSA against white granny panties, because I do NOT have a big butt. And just look at the size of it in those panties - holy crap!!!
All the Codeheads!
Ahh, good times.

We made some jello shots earlier in the evening, but Jen got a little impatient for them to gel-up... and decided to sip on the leftover mix.
Finally, they were ready!!

As the night progressed, we all decided to walk down to the beach... but Jen couldn't figure out how to lock the door.
Oh well. I was tired, anyhow. 
AWESOME post Lindsay! It was exactly as I remembered it :) Thanks so much for flying in early, riding down to Port A with me and being my roomie. I can't think of anyone else I'd want to share a bathroom with post-Grass Skirt if you know what I mean.
Did we get any pictures at the Taqueria Jalisco? I don't think we did, bummer. Oh, and for Part II I think you need to include a pic of Usher....and Huey Lewis :)
I love it! Your recaps are always so detailed. Can't wait for Part II :)
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