As I sit here in the Seattle Airport during my 4 hour layover, I'm reflecting back on my awesome trip home for Christmas. Meanwhile, I'm also sitting in the Alaska Airlines super special Board Room with all the rich people because my dad bought me a day-pass. And I'm eating a PB&J that my mom packed for me. Obviously my parents love me a lot. :)
It was a very relaxing, very nice trip.... despite the darkness and extreme cold weather (even cold for Alaska). Seriously, my mom's car said -20 degrees this morning when we were driving to the airport. Actually, it said -21 degrees, which we think is where it bottoms out at because it said -21 degrees two other times while I was home but never went any further below that.
One afternoon it was particularly clear out, so we took a drive through town.

We were trying to see Mt. McKinley -- even though it's hours away, you can still see it from our town on a clear day. That's how huge it is!! We could make out a faint outline.... but I guess you really can't see it in this picture.

Did I mention it was -10 that day, too?

After looking for Mt. McKinley, I was feeling reminiscent, so we went to my high school....

The football stadium:

My brother and me in front of the outdoor ice rink where he spent lots of time practicing for the hockey team.

I took a few pictures of our neighborhood. Here's our house....
And the view out my bedroom window:
This is looking down our street... and was taken at dusk... aka 3:30pm.
And I took this one at 10:00 am to show how dark it still is at that hour...
And probably the most exciting thing that happened on my trip was finding out my brother got engaged!! He proposed to his girlfriend, Leane, the day after Christmas and we all found out the next day. Very exciting!
Of course I got a picture of the rock. But I completely spaced out on getting a picture of Adam and Leane together. They told me they'll send me one of them for the blog, so I'll post that as soon as I get it. I do, however, have this one picture of them when we all went to the beach in 2007.... it definitely doesn't fit my Winter Wonderland theme of the post... but here it is!