Amy was invited to the rehearsal dinner Friday night in Beth's parent's backyard. We feasted on fried chicken, ribs, mashed potatoes, and apple cobbler. The clouds in the background kinda looked like mountains, so I took this picture. It looks a bit dark, but you can sort of make out the "mountains".
After the rehearsal dinner, a few of us went to fabulous downtown Sioux City (which is on the Iowa side of the river) for a night on the town. After refusing to pay a $3 cover at our first bar -- can you believe they charge a cover at ANY bar in Sioux City?! -- we settled on Rosies.... and it was fun!

1. The food -- The bride's family owns Jolly Time Popcorn, so as the appetizer before the big dinner, they had a popcorn buffet. There was caramel corn, parmesan, honey nut, almond bark, peanut butter, chocolate covered caramel, and regular butter. So good!!! And the centerpiece at every table was a glass vase full of popcorn.
2. Dancing to Abba's Dancing Queen and doing the Cuban Shuffle (which I just found out is actually called the Cupid Shuffle. That's embarrassing).
3. Catching the bouquet -- I didn't technically catch it, but it landed at my feet and I swooped down and picked it up. A little girl wanted that bouquet SO bad... she congratulated me on getting it, and I offered it up to her. For the rest of the night, she held on to that bouquet and thanked me for it every time she saw me. Super cute!
4. A keg full of Coors Light.
5. The ceremony was in Iowa, but the reception was in Nebraska. I thought that was fun.
6. Amy and I received some odd compliments. I danced with a guy who told me he liked my pink shoes and that I have pretty feet. If you've seen my feet, you'd know how funny that is! When I told him I thought my toes were abnormally long, he says, "No, I think they're very proportial." So funny! Amy danced with a guy who told her her hair smelled nice. This normally wouldn't be funny, but we had spent the afternoon in a smoky casino... so her hair definitely did NOT smell good! (And speaking of the casino -- they had free ice cream cones. That was definitely the best part about the casino.)
Here's a picture of Amy and her dad:
This post was so good I feel like commenting on every picture! And I think the way you told the story of the trip to Iowa (and Nebraska) made it sound even more fun than Vegas! They (the Iowans & Nebraskans???) should hire you two to do their PR. Obviously, a fantastic plug for Rosie's. I'm pretty sure their business is going to triple and the next time you visit they'll be the ones charging the $3 cover. Good call on snagging the Giant Bag of Popcorn! You'll never regret that decision, especially when facing a 9-hour car ride. Finally, when you come down in July, we've got to dance to some ABBA...I am the one who got you girls to go see Mamma Mia after all.
I think next time you should come with us. We will have to head a little deeper into Iowa to get you the full effect though.
I'm down for that....as long as there's popcorn.
Cuban Shuffle eh.....that sounds so much hotter! Did ya have to stop at a weigh station for that popcorn!? Is Perry hiding in the backseat somewhere!?
James you always make me laugh....and by always I mean the one time I met you and reading your comment.
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