While lining up to board our plane, Amy and I experienced the grand daddy of all "this is a small world" moments. I was just standing there minding my own business when all of a sudden Amy whipped around and started frantically whispering, "Who is that in front of me?? Who is that??" I took a closer look at the hand-in-hand couple in front of us... and realized it was our friend's wife. With her new boyfriend. What a shock that was! It was obviously a VERY awkward encounter by all of us, so we pretended we didn't know each other. However, they sat right in front of us on the plane, and Amy couldn't help but take this snapshot (paparazzi style).

The lady sitting next to us leaned over and said, "Who are they?" I think she thought they were a famous, Hollywood couple. I told her, "It's a long story...."
After the shock wore off, we said goodbye to the Rocky Mountains out our window and dreamed of the fantastic, warm weather awaiting us.
We also read our matching books.... for book club, of course.
When we arrived, Amy's college friend Chris Perry (made famous in my blog post about the Iowa/Nebraska wedding last summer) picked us up and took us to the Flamingo, where we were staying. Here's our room:
And here's our view of Caesar's Palace across the street:
As well as the Bellagio:
After being cooped up indoors all winter, we were pretty excited about the pool. We headed straight there, and even though it was only 10:30am, it was completely packed!! We finally found a place to sit in the "beach" area.
Later in the afternoon, we were able to find some chairs by the pool.
These are the $19 rum and diet cokes we were suckered into buying.... at least I have the cup forever! 
After sitting at the pool for a good 5 hours, we headed to Margaritaville for our Volcano Nachos and bucket of Landshark.
Margaritaville is the one point of consistency in all of our Vegas trips. I've never stayed at the same hotel or gone to the same casinos, but Margaritaville is always a must! Please note the gigantic plate of nachos....

... and how we annihilated them.
After eating our nachos, we still had 1 beer left. It all of a sudden occurred to us that you're allowed to drink in public in Vegas! Amy was so excited, she danced with her beer glass all the way back to our room.
(Don't be confused into thinking Amy is the girl in purple posing right in the center of the picture. Amy's on the left with her cup... Although, that other girl looks like fun. Maybe we should have made friends.)
After a day in the sun, a mountain of nachos, a bucket of beer, and $19 rum & cokes, we were due for a nap. So we rested a few hours and then got ready to head out for the night. Perry came to pick us up, and we decided to go to the Rio Hotel & Casino, which I had never been to before. It was a fun place! Here's some pictures from the night.

While at the pool earlier in the day, Amy and I were approached by 2 Chippendale dancers who gave us coupons to their show. It's not unusual for this to happen -- every time we go to one of the casino pools, there are always club and show promoters who walk around looking for attractive girls (that's not conceited because it's true. haha.) to come to their shows/clubs. We didn't actually go to the Chippendale show, but since it happened to be at the Rio, we couldn't help but take a few pictures in front of their posters. 
After the Rio, we went to the MGM Grand Casino for a bit. And after that, we went to Toby Keith's bar at Harrah's. By that point in the night, I was awfully glad I had put flip flops in my purse. Even comfortable heels are too much to handle after a night in Vegas!
The next morning, we went to our favorite buffet - Le Village Buffet at the Paris Hotel and Casino. This guy got in the way of my picture.
Last year, we had an unfortunate incident involving our orange juice and champaign. In an attempt to make mimosas, Amy poured orange juice into her champaign WAY too fast, creating an eruption of mimosa all over the table! Who knew the orange juice would cause many bubbles that the whole thing would overflow? She took precautions this year to slowly mix in the orange juice:
In an uncharacteristic move by Amy and Lindsay, all we had for dessert were 2 creme brule's and a piece of apple cheesecake.
And yet, I still felt like this after my gigantic meal. 
The rest of the day was very lazy. Perry came to get us at the Flamingo, and we spent the rest of the day at his neighborhood pool. After my gluttony during the weekend, I was a bit self-conscious about my stomach flab... I look so rigid in this picture because I was concentrating on the direction Amy provided me, "Suck in.... move a bit to the left... suck in a bit more..."
After a day in the sun, a mountain of nachos, a bucket of beer, and $19 rum & cokes, we were due for a nap. So we rested a few hours and then got ready to head out for the night. Perry came to pick us up, and we decided to go to the Rio Hotel & Casino, which I had never been to before. It was a fun place! Here's some pictures from the night.

The rest of the day was very lazy. Perry came to get us at the Flamingo, and we spent the rest of the day at his neighborhood pool. After my gluttony during the weekend, I was a bit self-conscious about my stomach flab... I look so rigid in this picture because I was concentrating on the direction Amy provided me, "Suck in.... move a bit to the left... suck in a bit more..."

1 comment:
These Vegas posts make me SO JEALOUS!!!! I've got to go with ya'll on your next trip and that is just all there is to it! I'll order some coconut shrimp to go along with your nachos at Margaritaville!
Super cute swimsuit Lindsay!!
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