On Saturday, August 15th, I spent the whole day drinking. No, I wasn't in Vegas. And no, I'm not an alcoholic. Don't worry, y'all, it was for charity!
Amy, Trisha, myself and 9 of our most charitable beer-loving friends signed up for the Crawl for Cancer, a pub crawl in which teams of 10-12 people donate money for cancer research. In exchange, we got a day full of free beer, a sweet t-shirt, and a $10 cab voucher. We had done the Crawl for Cancer two years ago, and it remains a legendary day in our memories...

.... so we knew it would be nothing short of awesome a second time.
The day began when Amy and her new man Dan came over for breakfast. I affectionately call Dan "The Ginger" due to his fantastic red hair. However, I've never actually called him that to his face considering he's 6'5" and probably twice my weight. Plus, he's a really nice guy. Dan made bacon and hashbrowns while Amy fried up some eggs. I put some biscuits in the oven, plopped down at the bar, and oversaw the whole operation.
Here's some of our team at our third stop, Lodo's.
And here we are at Lodo's winning at flip cup. We were unstoppable!! And it definitely helped that Jenna taught me how to cheat.

This is us walking to our fourth bar, Delaney's.
And here is Amy, Trisha, and me at the fifth and final bar, Sports Column.
And in front of Sports Column on our way out:

At the after-party, I had a feeling it was time to go home when one of my teammates started poking my arm over and over and saying, "Why are you wearing Nebraska red? What kind of Texas girl are you when you're wearing Nebraska red?" It took all my energy not to smack him. However, I KNEW it was time to go home when a guy bearing a striking resemblance to Jesus walked over, looked me up and down, and told me he was "digging" my "physique". By that point most everyone from our team had left anyway, so I got my $10 cab voucher and took my charitable butt home.
Things learned at pub crawl:
1. Dan makes a mean piece of bacon. (Which sounds kind of funny.)
2. When everyone's drunk, no one knows that you're cheating at flip cup.
3. Texas girls should never wear Nebraska red.
4. Drinking in the name of charity is more fun than running a 10K for charity.
1 comment:
Sign us up for next year!
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