On May 27th, I flew home to Alaska for a very important event... my brother Adam & Leane's wedding!
I arrived in Anchorage mid-afternoon, and even though I'd been up since 3am, I had to suck up my tiredness and rally for Leane's bachelorette party that night. Despite Anchorage's happening night life (ha), she opted to have a bowling party. This made sense for a couple reasons:
(a) Leane's sister, Holly, is only 18
(b) I've never seen Leane stay up past 10pm (okay, maybe a couple times)
On my way to the party, I KNEW I was in Alaska when I saw a camper with the license plate "Fish On" pulling a 4-Wheeleer.

Leane was clearly ready -- Holly had made her a tie-die shirt saying "I'm the Bride", and their nephew Pax had a matching outfit that said, "My Auntie is the Bride".

Once at the bowling alley, we picked up our shoes....

... and were feeling confident!

Tara (Leane's sister and Pax's mom) was on my team....

... and the two of us were looking good.

Although Leane goes bowling more than most anyone I know (which doesn't take much considering I don't know anyone who bowls), her score did NOT reflect it.

Proof: Check out "Mrs. Powell"'s score below.

I shouldn't be pointing fingers, though -- "L Pizzle"'s score isn't anything to write home about.

We can't blame the awful bowling on intoxication. The bowling alley had strict rules -- if anyone in your party was under 21, you weren't allowed to drink UNLESS you were in the drinking area. Since it wasn't a very busy night, we were able to get two lanes right next to the drinking lanes.... which is why all of our drinks are sitting alone on the table:

An artistic shot of the invisible alcohol line:

There's nothing like a Thursday night bowling bachelorette dance party!

What a fun group!

After leaving the bowling alley, we went back to Leane's friend Maggie's house. I was in charge of the drinks, and I concocted a secret recipe (strawberry champagne... shhhhh) to make our party's signature drink -- the "Lovely Leane".

I'm so excited to have a sister-in-law!!

Surprisingly, Leane was still going strong at 10:30, but I was dragging.... so I headed home. On the way out of Maggie's neighborhood, I saw this sign. After passing it, the hilarity of what it said hit me, and I immediately slammed the brakes, put my car in reverse, and took this picture:

I thought maybe it was sleep deprivation that made me laugh so hard, but no. It STILL cracks me up!!
By the time I got home to Eagle River, it was 11:30... but the sun still hadn't set.

I took this with my cell phone as I was driving over the Eagle River bridge, so it's a little fuzzy, but still gorgeous!!
The weekend had only just begun, and I was really excited for everything ahead....
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