A short three weeks had passed since being in Austin when I found myself back in the coolest city in Texas. Kirstine was getting married, and it was time to celebrate! As I walked down the terminal toward baggage claim, I passed a man singing at one of the airport restaurants. If that isn't typical Austin, I don't know what is!
Carolyn was there to pick me up, and we headed straight to a fancy little spa to meet Jen to get our nails done. Although we were offered wine while we got our pedicures, Jen stuck with her beloved Big Red.
Never one to pass up free alcohol, I happily accepted my wine... as well as Jen's.
On our way out, Carolyn and I noticed some snazzy hats for sale...
I'm pretty sure this picture was taken at Jen's direction.
After our mani/pedi's, we made a quick stop at Taco Cabana (I was DYING for some!) and then headed to the church for Kirstine's wedding rehearsal. All of the bridesmaids were already there and looking lovely!

Please note the Nazi wedding coordinator below in red. As I was beginning my walk down the aisle, she caught me by surprise when she grabbed my arm. Apparently it wasn't quite time for me to start walking, and I stumbled a bit in response to the grab. As I stood at the front of the line during our second run-through of the wedding, she said to me, "Make sure not to trip." Thanks lady.

Kirstine was so cute in her pre-wedding dress!

A shot from the bridesmaids' perspective:
After the rehearsal, we all drove out to Salt Lick for a YUMMY meal!
Carolyn and Melissa:
Our whole table:

I loved the koozies!

Being the pregnant lady she is (or should I say was), Melissa was prepared with a snack prior to dinner.
But soon enough, our meal came!
Gui - who has dabbled in the vegetarian lifestyle - ate the most meat by FAR! I actually mistook his plate of demolished ribs for a new plate of meat... and when I asked him to pass James the ribs, Jen V (Gui's wife) almost lost it!
Kirstine gave us all very pretty scarves for our bridesmaid gift.
Five Codeheads... and one SASsy girl.

I was staying the night with Carolyn and her husband, Andy, and they had been telling me about their neighbor's insane Christmas lights display. Like... INSANE. I was pretty excited to see such a spectacle, but as we pulled up to the infamous house, we realized the lights weren't turned on!!!
Not to let that spoil our fun, Carolyn and I made ourselves at home in the Nativity scene.
Just call us the two wise women.
Although the lights show was a bust, Carolyn's other neighbors had a pretty impressive display. Carolyn and Andy had special glasses that made Christmas lights an even more psychedelic experience... so I slapped on a pair of those babies and frolicked through the lights.

Carolyn saw what an awesome time I was having and decided to join me.
As much fun as we were having, we had to get our festive selves in bed. Kirstine's wedding was the next day, and we needed our beauty sleep.... everyone knows the bridesmaid is the most important part of the wedding, afterall. :)