1/3 of the Codeheads came to the airport to pick me up. It was great to be greeted by Melissa and Jen's smiling faces!

Here are Kirstine, Jen V, and Melissa waiting to dig in to the food....

After having a late lunch at Shady Grove and doing a little shopping, we headed to set-up for Kirstine & Joey's shower to celebrate their upcoming wedding. We had planned a yummy spread of food, including Jen's queso/chili/guacamole dip... and build your own S'mores... SO good!
Out on the patio, James had a serious amount of sausage cooking.... as well as one lonely S'more.
Kirstine with James, Gui, and Matt:
After eating...
... we dug in to the Longhorn cookies...
... AND the S'mores!
Me and teeny Kirstineey roasting marshmallows:
It was getting a little chilly outside, so Gui put the fire to good use!
Kirstine with her sister, Brittany:
This poor little marshmallow had seen better days.
The next day, Jen invited me to have lunch with her family and friend, Lindsay. They were all going to Matt's El Rancho to celebrate Lindsay's birthday, and I was happy to come along!
Check out the crazy lady in yellow.... Jen's mom cracks me up!
Me, Jen, Lindsay, and Carolyn (smiling nicely this time):
Jen's cousin Natalie and her two kids, Benjamin and Abigail, also came. It was great meeting Natalie -- the first thing she said to me was, "I already feel like I know you, because I always read your blog!" That was quite a coincidence because I always read HER blog, too! Now that I've met her, I feel like much less of a stalker.
Although I'd eaten a boat-load of queso the night before, that didn't stop me from eating more at lunch. Abigail was pretty excited about the queso, too.
Yum, yum, yum...
In addition to a lot of queso, Abigail also indulged in some sherbet.
Now, truth be told, I was feeling a little buzzed after lunch. I attribute that to the fact that (a) I'm a lightweight; (b) my margarita seemed a bit strong; and (c) Jen told me I had to drink half of her Mexican Martini, or else she wouldn't be able to drive us home.
That being said... after lunch, we decided to go shopping for Melissa's baby shower. We were looking everywhere for the high chair Melissa had registered for, and finally found it... on a fairly high shelf...
... and for some reason (that reason being the alcohol running through my system), I thought it would be a good idea to climb the shelves to get the chair.
Long story short, the chair came crashing down and nearly missed Jen's head... BUT we'd gotten it!
A few hours later, Jen and I picked up her dad to head to campus and do some tailgating before the UT/OSU game. I hadn't been to a tailgate at UT since I was a student, and I'd forgotten how crazy the whole experience is!
Jen's brother-in-law, John, does the bar-b-queing for one of the private tailgates, and he got us some wristbands so we could get in.
Jen and her dad:
The tailgate was awesome! Free food, free drinks, and lots of fun people...
Jen's dad even made friends with a little person.
Jen and John:
After hanging out for awhile, we decided to head down to Joey and Kirstine's tailgate. On our way, we ran across a few interesting sights...
The next day, I decided I needed a good meal before going to Melissa's baby shower. Chicken fried steak sounded like exactly what I needed, so we headed over to Threadgills.
We had to wait a bit for our table, so Jen and I sat down at the bar for some fried green tomatoes...
Fully satisfied by my chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and macaroni & cheese (any restaurant that includes macaroni & cheese on their vegetable listing is okay by me), we headed to the baby shower. Everyone had done such an amazing job decorating!
Melissa, Carolyn, and Jen V:
Melissa enjoying a cupcake!
One of the games we played involved matching celebrity couples to their respective baby's (crazy) names. Wouldn't you know that Carolyn -- the girl who got a 1600 on her SAT -- got 100% correct?! I love that not only is she book smart, but she also totally kicks ass at celebrity trivia.
Jen's daughter, Mackenzie, made a cameo appearance...
Immediately after the shower, I rushed to the airport to head back to Denver. I was sad to leave, but I knew I'd be back in less than 3 weeks for Kirstine's wedding... and I couldn't wait!
Yay, LOVE this post! You should definitely plan your next trip to Austin for the Spring :)
GREAT post Lindsay, as usual. I don't know how you managed to fit all those photos & memories in, but you did a fantastic job. I particularly loved "Jen made me drink half her Mexican Martini or else she wouldn't be able to drive us home" and "Jen's dad even made friends with a little person." Oh and the picture of Gui warming his tush.
I loved the post and all the great stories that go with the pictures. I really think you should write a book, of course I also be an advisor on this book so I can make money off of you. Now about the crazy laugh picture, wasn't it agreed that this picture would be deleted??? Maybe in your drunken state you forgot, but it is such a horrible picture that you should have taken pity on Jen's poor, old mom.
Ummm..."Anonymous" is clearly my mom. I don't know why she hasn't figured out how to actually put her name on it.
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