Thursday, August 1, 2013

Maui Pool Time

During our entire week in Maui, it was pretty much guaranteed that you'd find us at the pool each afternoon. And when it was this beautiful, why not?!  (Thanks go to my dad for his plethora of panorama shots!)

Here's my dad and grandma enjoying the view...
This little bird liked to hang out with us.  He knew when lunchtime was, and always swung by to pick up our potato chip crumbs...
Charlie soon learned that he could get anything he wanted out of his Poppy.  All it took was asserting a little authority.
Poppy was always happy to oblige him, though. He's just too cute to say no to!

(Please note Charlie's sunglasses - he refused to wear his, but he happily wore my mom's for awhile.)

We've never had our own pool on vacation before...
... and I have to say, it was pretty sweet!