Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July -- Texas Style!

I spent the last 4 days in Devine, TX with my best friends from college. We all had such a great time and there were so many funny moments.
Jen R. picked me up from the San Antonio airport on Thursday evening, and we immediately headed to Chuy's for dinner. We were joined by the Austin-ites -- Kirstine & Joey, Melissa & Matt, and Jen V. & Gui. We were also joined by our Dallas friends, Carolyn & Andy.

The rest of the weekend was a whirlwind of.....

(1) GAME PLAYING - Here's all of us in the middle of playing "Smart Ass" - a board game Kirstine got for her birthday. This is a picture of one of the questions asked during the game. This is an inside joke, but my parents and close friends will think this is hilarious!!! (2) BBQ EATING - On the 4th of July, Jen's dad barbequed a brisket and sausage. So good! We also did our fair share of beer drinking... and some of us enjoyed Jack and Coke out of a strawberry shaped glass (Andy!).(3) BABY HOLDING -- Well... not so much ME holding the baby. I'm still a bit scared of that little guy. But everyone else got their fair share of holding Jameson (Jen & James's baby). He's 4 and a half months old now, and such a cutie! I love all his clothes and particularly liked his Longhorns tshirt and festive 4th of July outfit.
Jameson and his Mommy: Happy boy!
(4) JEEP DRIVING -- James took me out in his jeep to run some errands. So cool! No doors! Way fun.
(5) HAVING ADVENTURES WITH DOGS -- Kat is James and Jen's dog... she looks exactly like the dog I had growing up, Katie. Melissa and Kat share a special bond, as you can see.
Kat wasn't the only dog we spent time with over the weekend. While taking a walk, Melissa, Jen V., Carolyn, and I were going past a graveyard when a dog ran over to us. We all freaked out, not knowing whether he was nice or not... the poor dog turned out to be really nice, but REALLY stubborn -- he followed us all the way home! We went inside Jen's house and the poor dog just sat in her driveway for awhile. I felt so bad leaving him out there... hopefully he found his way home. Here's our graveyard friend:

Here's a bunch of us looking at Jen's pictures on her computer:
This frog was on Jen's glass door. Cool picture!
Here's the marshmallow man we blew up in the microwave (it was HILARIOUS at the time)
This picture was quite possibly the funniest of the weekend. (But maybe you had to be there...) Matt and James had the same fancy camera and were trying out all kinds of techniques all weekend. Somehow they were able to blur lights in the background. Matt took this one of James under a bunch of Christmas lights. James thinks it looks like he's wielding the lights into a "rainbow of fury". I can almost hear him screaming "RAINBOW OF FURY!!!" when I look at this picture. Man, that made me laugh!

I'll miss Texas and everyone there, but I'll be back next year!


Anonymous said...

You came all the way to Texas and didn't come see me!!!! Oh Wait....

SMBeck said...

Are those cookies shaped like Texas? what skill! Looks like you had a great trip!

Lindsay said...

Yes, they ARE shaped like Texas! I'd like to take credit for those, but they were actually at a bakery we visited... since the blog is always at the forefront of my mind, I took a picture of them knowing they'd be a perfect intro picture to my Texas post.

Jennifer said...

I love all the pics and commentary from our fun weekend! It was so great to see you, and I hope you come back to Texas really soon!! :)

Unknown said...

aww, i really enjoyed reliving the weekend through your blog. strangely enough, just yesterday, i read a news article about a family that is selling its huge house and donating half of the proceeds to a charity in GHANA. no joke.

AE said...

They might also be giving the proceeds to a certain guy so he can buy a map and figure out where GHANA is located.