Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Year Older

My 27th birthday was on September 3rd, but I don’t believe in limiting my celebration to one day. In line with this theory, my birthday party was on August 23. (And as you will see in a soon-to-come post, the celebration lasted until September 7th!)

My friends all met me out the night of August 23rd at my favorite bar – Sports Column. I was so happy to see everyone, and we all had a blast!

Here is Amy, Me, Whitney, Khadeeja, Kari, and Lindsay
My roomie Kari and me
Jana & Cody

Olivia and Me
Me and Rob
Amy, Terra, Jana, and Me


Anonymous said...

I like how the picture of you and Amy needs no caption....she's famous!

Lindsay said...

haha!! I figured she didn't need a caption.