Tuesday, May 5, 2009

City Kids In the Mountains - Part 2 of the Ramirez Invasion

On Sunday morning, I woke up to the sweet voice (aka whining) of Jameson. I was still a bit tired from our Phase 10 marathon the night before, but I dragged myself out of bed. James got us Starbucks which helped a lot. Maybe it was the coffee... or the fresh mountain air... but something got into Amy and she decided it would be a good idea to climb the rocks behind our cabin. These are the same rocks that the cabin-owner Janice (a quite chatty lady from Ft. Collins) specifically told us to NOT climb. Not to be upstaged by Amy's antics, I said "Okay! Let's get our running shoes on!" Amy made it pretty far up, but after seeing my life flash before my eyes, I stopped about halfway. Here we are at the halfway point.
And here's the view from my perch. You can see the back of our cabin and Jen out on the patio.After making it safely down, us girls decided to walk into Estes Park (just a couple blocks away) to do some shopping. After buying a tshirt and some salt water taffy, we tried to decide if we were hungry enough for lunch. We really weren't too hungry.... but the margaritas at the Mexican restaurant down the street were calling our name.Amy's glass on the right absolutely cracked us up. And she kept getting her nose wet when she took a drink from it!!After our drinks, we went back to the cabin to pick up James and Jameson and headed off to the Rocky Mountain National Park. We saw SO many Elk and the park was really gorgeous.We all laughed pretty hard at this picture:It was a pretty exciting day because it was the first time Jameson had ever seen snow. We were obviously more exited about it than him, but he seemed to like the snowballs we made.What a beautiful day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great day! Makes me want to do it all over again...especially the margaritas! Maybe next time we can get a pitcher of those to take with us to the Arctic Tundra that is Bear Lake.