Saturday, May 31, 2008

Graduation in Alaska

Friday: On Friday, May 2, I took the day off from work for a long weekend in Alaska. My little brother was about to graduate from the University of Alaska, and I wanted to go home to celebrate with the rest of my family! I had a great weekend, although it went by a little too fast.

On Saturday, my parents and I were headed home from Costco when we saw a moose on the side of the road... right in the middle of Anchorage! My dad slammed on the brakes and got in a turn lane so I could take the picture above. That night, my family and Adam's girlfriend, Leane, went to Simon & Seafort's for a delicious celebratory dinner! Here's a picture Leane took of our family:

Sunday: The next day was graduation. We all made it to the Sullivan Arena (after sitting in some terrible traffic!!) and saw Adam graduate. Everyone headed back to our house for some food, drinks, and lots of Wii playing!

Monday: I woke up early Monday morning and headed back to Denver. It was a fast trip, but I'll be back in July for a whole week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Moose!!!! That's just nuts, all we see here on the side of the road are possums and raccoons and they're usually not to mobile : ( When I finally make it to Alaska with you, I'm now going to expect "moose-sightings."