Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Random Pictures

These don't really fit in with my "trip" theme for the blog, but I just wanted to post these pictures because I like them. :)

Amy and I doing our Victoria Beckham impression. We're doing a good job of looking super pissed while maintaining a sense of self-importance.

My kitty Magnolia in a typical napping position:

A picture of a moose and her twin babies in our neighborhood in Alaska -- my dad just sent me this one.


Anonymous said...

So, I think your dad is just like a moose magnet. That are moose sightings are just way more common in urban Alaska than I thought. I've never seen a picture of a baby moose before...so cute! Tell your dad to get closer next time, I want to see some more detail. There's no chance of a moose being rabid, right? I don't want him to take any unnecessary risks for my photo viewing pleasure.
It's amazing how flat Magnolia can look when she's laying down. And pretty good work with the Victoria impersonation, I must say though that you need to get some David Beckham impersonators to work with you...for your own sake.

Lindsay said...

I tried to increase the size of the moose... and you'd be surprised how often we see them in "urban" Alaska -- it's very common! If you came home with me I almost guarantee you'd see one.