Monday, November 16, 2009

Kansas Weekend with the Ernsts

During the weekend of November 14th, Amy and I flew to Kansas City to visit her family. Her brother (John), sister-in-law (Heidi), nephew (Joe), and brand new niece (Carlie) live nearby in Olathe, and her parents moved from Iowa to Kansas earlier this year, so it was quite the family gathering!

Our flight was a little early, so we had time to stop by Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte before her parents came to pick us up.
After Amy's parents picked us up, we drove to Olathe to see John, Heidi, Joe & Carlie. After taking a tour of their beautiful new house and playing trucks with Joe, we headed out to dinner. Dinner was pretty uneventful until Heidi made the statement that she was 5'6". Everyone was up in arms over her comment, since she's clearly shorter than that. Since I'm pretty sure I'm 5'7", everyone told me and Heidi to stand up back-to-back to see if she was only an inch shorter. So there we were, at a busy restaurant, standing up back-to-back next to the table. When I felt Heidi lean her head back and it only came up to my neck, I knew there was no way she's 5'6". She finally conceded that she's shorter than she thinks she is. However, that got the whole family wondering exactly how tall we all are, and once we got back home, everyone got measured. (Turns out Heidi is 5'5".)

Amy and I spent the night at John & Heidi's. The next morning we both got some Carlie time in.
Carlie is the absolute best baby I've ever spent time with. Not that I've spent time with a lot of babies, but she is just SO good and easy going. I'm definitely not a baby person, but it's hard not to like Carlie.

That day we had tickets to see the Kansas/Nebraska football game. None of us are either Kansas or Nebraska fans, so we were really just going for the experience. And the tailgating.

Our morning got off to a good start when we made it to Lawrence and were looking for a parking spot. Amy spotted a Taco John's across the street and burst out like a Tourette's sufferer, "Potato Ole's!!! Potato Ole's!!! Potato Ole's!!!"

"WHAT is a Potato Ole?" I asked.

"POTATO OLE'S!!!" Amy chanted.

John raced across traffic to get to the Taco John's and went straight to the drive-through. I found out that a Potato Ole is a delectable treat much like a tator tot. Only greasier. And better.
We finally found a parking space, so we loaded up our Potato Ole's, and tried to figure out where the tailgate party was. Here we are trying to figure out where we were going...We had to walk through this Nebraska tailgate before we made it to our destination...
Heidi thought it would be funny if she flaunted the fact that her alma mater, Iowa State, beat Nebraska earlier in the season.The tailgate had some yummy fried chicken, pasta salad, and potatoes...
Amy meant business when she put on her drinking gloves. Those Bloody Mary's didn't know what hit them.
The Ernst kids.
After we were fried chickened out, we decided to pack it up and head to the next tailgate....
... which ended up being that of our friend, Brad.
Brad is the little brother of one of our friends, and we met him when he was in Denver over the summer for a wedding. He says he's moving to Denver when he graduates in May, and that would be okay with me, because (truth be told) he's pretty cute. I figured going after someone five years younger than me gave me definite cougar status, but Heidi informed me you can't be a cougar until you're at least 40. She says you're a "cougar" in your 40's, a "lioness" in your 30's, and still a "kitten" in your 20's. This is all pretty good news for me. Heidi then started asking Brad where he plans on living when he moves to Denver and after he told us he's going to live with his brother, Heidi said, "You should live with Lindsay, you know she'll give you free rent. Do you like cats?" Thanks Heidi.
After hanging out with Brad, we headed to tailgate #3. John & Heidi had some friends hanging out near the stadium, so we dropped by for a bit. On our walk there, Amy randomly ran into her college softball coach. His kids go to KU, but it was a big surprise for her to see him there!

Here's a view of the stadium from our last tailgate party.
When it got close to game time, we headed to our seats.
Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk!
We left the game early so that Amy and John could watch the Iowa game... which didn't go quite as they'd hoped.

Not even seeing a hardware store with their name cheered them up.
We were all pretty exhausted after the game, so we headed back to Amy's parents to pick up Joe & Carlie, had dinner, and went to bed.

The next day flew by. We all went to church, and I held Carlie all through the service -- she was SO good! After church, Amy and her mom made a fantastic breakfast of eggs, toast, sausage, and coffeecake. Before we knew it, it was time to head back to Denver....

.... which had gotten about a foot of snow while we were gone. Poor Amy scraped her car in the airport parking lot while I stood around taking pictures.
It was a fast trip, but I'm really happy I got to go, spend time with Amy's family, and see a different football stadium. (Better luck next time, Jayhawks.) Thanks Ernst Family for letting me tag along once again!

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Little Monday Night Time Travel

I found an awesome website that lets you recreate yearbook photos throughout the ages... and since my DeLorean experiment isn't really panning out, this is the next best thing to actual time travel!

Here I am way back in the 60's.
My brother, dad, and I hitting the ice for some hockey:
Dan and Amy being sporty as usual:

Jen and James really HAVE been together forever!

I'll never forget when Carolyn, Melissa, and I were on the Homecoming Court. Nice dress, Carolyn!

You really can't beat 80's hair.

Pom Squad just wouldn't have been the same without Jen V and Kirstine! Lovin' the fro, Jen!

Not my best look.
Adam liked to keep it real with his high tops and electric guitar.
Channeling Tina Turner.
Glamour Shots by Deb.
Class of 2000, yay!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some Helpful Hints from a Bestie to a BF

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Amy got herself a boyfriend... and they're taking a trip on which I'm NOT INVITED!!! To add insult to injury, they're going to Vegas which, as everyone knows, is my favorite place to go. Rather than be bitter, I thought I should take this opportunity to give Dan a few helpful hints -- as a Vegas-veteran and Amy's traveling buddy, I have invaluable knowledge to help him out!
#1) Go to Margaritaville and get the Volcano Nachos. You will NOT be sorry.
#2) Go to the Village Buffet at the Paris Hotel. It's always smartest to go on the morning you're the least hungover.#3) Go to Margaritaville a second time, if possible. Make sure to get a bucket of Landshark with your Volcano Nachos.If you're super lucky, Amy may show you her crazy toe trick at Margaritaville like she did the time we went with our friend, Jen.
#4) Go to Tacone in Planet Hollywood. There used to be a Tacone in Denver until the sad day it went out of business. It's a sandwich shop with about 10 different kinds of sauces you can sample and put all over your sandwich and fries. It's so yummy and I guarantee you will score major points with Amy if you take her!
#5) Toni Braxton is no longer at The Flamingo... but when you go to Margaritaville and you're passing by The Flamingo, make sure to say something like, "That Toni Braxton is SO hot." Amy thinks this is hilarious. (Or at least I hope she does, because I say it about 20 times each trip.)
#6) Let Amy play the penny slots. They're her favorite, and it's kind of like being at a bar because you can sit around and drink without the fear of losing tons of money at the gambling tables. Plus, the drinks are free! So it's kind of like a free bar.... if this free bar was populated with lots of old people who smoke.
#7) Watch out for the killer turkeys at FAO Schwartz in Caesar's Palace.#8) Amy doesn't dance often, but the mood may strike while you're there. Just go with it.
#9) Make sure to spend as much time as possible at the pool.
#10) Pay your respects to the ghosts of Vegas trips past....
The picture above is when Amy and I went to Vegas with Mindi during the summer of 2007. In the line-up of favorite Vegas trips, this one was close to the top!

The picture below is when Amy and I met up in Vegas with our friend, Krystal, back in November 2007. If you're ever out of conversation, just ask Amy about the disaster that ensued on this trip.... which was all caused by a too-long line and too much estrogen.
Quite possibly my favorite Vegas trip of all time was the very first one I took. 3 years ago, Amy and I met Jen for a fantastic weekend. The three of us had so much fun!
I hope these tips were helpful. Good luck at the tables and I hope you both have lots of fun!