Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hangin' with the Hippies in Boulder - Part 3 of the Ramirez Invasion

On Monday, we waved goodbye to the cabin.......... and headed back into Rocky Mountain National Park for one last hurrah. We drove up to Bear Lake, but much to our surprise it was all frozen and covered with snow! I should have known, but it didn't occur to me that it would still be snowy back there.We went a bit further down the mountain where it was snow-free and walked along a pretty creek:After leaving the park, we drove past the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park. I couldn't resist saying "redrum... redrum!!" and James said, "Come play with us Danny" probably 15 times.

We decided to stop in Boulder on our way back to Denver. I told them how similar Boulder is to Austin, and once we got there they definitely agreed. We walked up and down Pearl Street which was covered with tulips - so pretty!We stopped to have lunch, and it was such a nice day that we sat outside. Since it was Boulder, an obligatory hippie serenaded us with his guitar, recorder (yes! like the recorders we played in 1st grade!), and singing. Funny enough, Jameson LOVED the singing, and it was the first time he sat nicely at a meal all weekend! After he was done eating, we let him stand and watch.On our way back to the car, Jen took this picture. Later when we looked at the picture, she said, "Oh my gosh! This looks like an US Weekly shot!" And it does. So funny!Once we were back in Denver, Jameson was acting a bit antsy... so we took him down the street to City Park. I've only been there to go jogging, so I only have negative connotations when it comes to City Park. But it was so much more fun with Jen and Jameson!
Jameson absolutely loved the geese. While Jen and I dodged goose poop everywhere, he took off running after them.
He also loved the slides.
Sadly, the Ramirezes left for home on Tuesday. I'm so happy they came to see me, and I hope they had as much fun as I did!


Anonymous said...

At least 15 times!!!

THANK YOU LINDSAY!! You're the best and such a great ambassador to the state of Colorado.

Lindsay said...

Hmm... maybe i really SHOULD become a park ranger!

Jennifer said...

What great photos and narratives! It looks like y'all had such a great weekend!

When we went to Rocky Mountain National Park 5 years ago (wow, it's been that long!), there was so much snow that we had to snow shoe around instead of hike, and I remember snow shoeing around Bear Lake!

Miss you, Lindsay, and hope to see you this summer! :)