Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ahhh... the Beach (Part 3 of 4)

It's no secret that Amy and I like our pool-time. So there's really no better vacation for us than one where we can sit in the sun for 4 straight days!

The pool at our resort was by far the coolest I've ever been to. It was HUGE, there was a swim-up bar, the palm trees were beautiful, the chairs were super comfortable, and did I mention the swim-up bar?! I'd never experienced such a thing before, and since it was an all inclusive resort, the drinks were all free! It was a test of self-control to not have 10 daiquiris a day, but I'm happy to report that I maintained my composure. :)Here's Amy's parents partaking in the swim-up bar:
Amy and her mom by the fountain:
I finally got to try out the underwater capabilities of my camera... and here are the results:The pool was also a great place for a nap...... and to read a book!

Amy and I usually spent our mornings at the pool and our afternoons at the beach. Our resort had lounge chairs all up and down the water. I have never been to such a gorgeous beach - it had the whitest sand and bluest water I've ever seen!

(Amy's dad got in some pretty good naps everyday.)

We had a lot of fun jumping the waves, too.

Barcelo (our resort) is composed of several different resorts. You're supposed to stay in your own resort, but they're all connected, so all you have to do is walk down the beach to get to a different one. The very nicest of the Barcelo resorts (Maya Palace) was right next to ours (Maya Tropical)... so we decided to crash their pool one day. Their pool had chairs right in the water!! It was amazing.This is Erin (one of the other bridesmaids) enjoying her submerged lawn chair.There were also a lot of shady places to sit, which was nice.Unfortunately for us, we got busted. While staying at Barcelo, you have to wear a bracelet everywhere you go so they know you're staying there. We had blue bracelets at Maya Tropical, but the people at Maya Palace had white bracelets. Amy's mom (Kathy), Amy, and myself were at the swim-up bar when one of the bartenders caught a glimpse of Kathy's blue bracelet. "What color is your bracelet?" he asked. We all just kind of sat there pretending we didn't speak English..... but we were caught!! He told us we weren't supposed to be there and to go back to our own section. And so ended our snazzy pool experience.
Here's Amy looking a bit defeated on our way out of the Maya Palace.

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