Friday, August 14, 2009

Kirstine and Lindsay's Excellent Adventure

Last weekend I made my annual pilgrimmage back to Austin. Although I've been back every year, I hadn't been on campus in really long time. Being the good friend she is, Kirstine went on a journey with me.... a journey through our past....

We decided we'd start at Jester (Kirstine's old dorm), and make our way across campus to Castilian (my old dorm).
Since it was 10,000 degrees outside, we stopped at some vending machines in Jester for water. I got mine no problem, but Kirstine got screwed out of her dollar when the machine ate it.Our freshman year, we both had Microeconomics in one of the auditoriums in Jester. We went to check it out, figuring the door would be locked. Obviously, security was a bit lacking, and the door was wide open... so I stopped in to reminisce.Second on our list of places to visit was the business school.We headed to the Atrium where I studied one too many hours and ate one too many Whopper Juniors. (Shockingly, the Burger King is now gone!!)As we walked through the halls, we noticed more changes than just the demise of Burger King. Like.... did we always have this MPA Program Office?And I definitely KNOW we never had an MPA Lounge!!The lactation room is definitely a new addition. And it has my approval.Some things never change, though. The Millenium Computer lab was just as I remembered it.Being back in the Millennium Lab gave me terrifying flashbacks of MIS projects, amortization tables, and Microsoft Access (which by the way is a program no one uses in the real world).Luckily, Kirstine always had all the answers.
We thought it was funny this poster is still up in the hall. Kirstine looks like she's saying something incredibly insightful, but in reality she was talking crap about how old and badly dressed everyone is.
Being sufficiently brainwashed by my firm, I was drawn to the Ernst & Young commemorative plate. (And I even took a picture in front of it.)Next, we made our way to the UTC where I had a multitude of classes... unfortunately, the doors were all locked. But I was able to take a picture out in front where I used to sit and read books while waiting for class to start.And here's Gregory Gym.I only had a couple classes in the six pack, but it's one of my favorite places on campus.
Here's Kirstine lounging in the six pack.What a great view of the capitol....... and the Tower!I really wanted to go into the Union since I spent a lot of time there, but it was locked!
As we walked past the Union, we could finally see my old dorm!And here I am at the front door.We decided in order to round out the trip down memory lane, we should definitely head to Riverside to see our old apartments. We made it down Riverside and turned left on Crossing Place.....
.... to find out our apartments had totally different names! Kirstine lived in the complex next to mine - in the picture below, her complex is on the right and mine is straight ahead. Unfortunately, we couldn't get in since they're both gated.Thanks Kirstine, for walking all over UT with me!! I can't think of anyone better for the job. And Bevo thanks you, too.

1 comment:

Kirstine said...

love it! man, we had some good times on campus!