Monday, December 15, 2008

My New Place

On October 15th, I closed on my very first home -- it was a lot of work, but very exciting! I bought a condo in the Uptown/West City Park area of Denver. There's different districts to our downtown -- Coors Field and most of the nightlife is in Lower Downtown (aka Lodo). Uptown is maybe 1.5 miles from Lodo and is the area where the Ernst & Young office is. City Park is a huge park a couple miles further East. I'm in between Uptown and City Park.
So far I've really, really enjoyed my new place! Here's a tour....

This is the hallway leading to my condo:

My front door! Entry way:
From the entry way, this is what you see. There's a long hall with the bedrooms, laundry room, and 1 bathroom along the way. At the end of the hall is my kitchen and living room.
The first thing on your left is my guest bathroom (notice my UT Santa):

Next, on your right, is my bedroom:
This is the door from my room to my bathroom:

My closet (which is HUGE) is off the bathroom.
Next, along the hallway, on your right is the guest room. The furniture is courtesy of my friend Trisha... who lives with her boyfriend... but tells her parents she lives with me. It's really funny considering the only time she's stopped by is to check out my place when I moved in and then once again to move her furniture in. And she doesn't even have a key!

At the end the hall, on your left, is my kitchen.

And at the very back of the house is the living room/dining room:
Magnolia's stocking is the red one with a white cat on it. :) Coincidentally, my stocking - which I've had since childhood - has a white cat on it, too. I must look like a really freaky cat lady.

And here's the view from the back of the house -- that door at the back is my front door.

There you have it... my new house!


Anonymous said...

Great tour Lindsay!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to guide us through your place. I can't wait to come visit in person and make use of Trisha's furniture (that was too funny by the way).

Your condo looks so nice and new and pretty! Where were you hiding Magnolia during this photo session, though?

Lindsay said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the tour... this post was specifically for you (since my family has already seen it in person, and I'm pretty sure only you and my parents read this blog), so I'm glad you liked it. :)

Looking for Magnolia is like playing Where's Waldo. She actually was following me around when I took the pics, and she's in 3 of them... can you spot her?