Friday, October 31, 2008


I have probably the cutest cat on the planet. And maybe I'm saying that because she's mine and I love her... but honestly, she's cute. So cute in fact that she deserves her own blog post.

Here are some Magnolia classics....

She loves watching tv. A segment on bed bugs was on The Today Show... she loved it.This one really cracked me up. Lionel Ritchie was singing on the Grammies. She couldn't get enough of that guy.Here's a picture from when she was a kitten.
She likes to get all stretched out. And she's a Texas fan. Smart cat.Magnolia under the covers:
This is what I put up with when I get ready every morning.
One thing that sets Magnolia apart from other cats is her love of playing fetch. I don't really know how this started... I definitely didn't teach her to fetch. But if you're willing, she'll play forever. Here's a video I took:

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